Greed: Episode 1


In an ancient valley where dust is the only population, a thrill-seeking couple and their children are exploring an ancient temple. As the woman turns to her lover with glowing pink eyes, she says, "This temple looks fun! I think our children will learn the tricks of the trade here." The man smiles back at her and says, "My love, as always, I feel you are right. The kids will learn the tricks of the trade here, and this temple doesn't seem to have much decay, even with its million-year age."
In excitement, his daughter ran up to him and said, "Daddy! Is this the temple where the gold meteor hit?", she says with her flickering eyes. Her Father lifted her up and said, "YES!".

The temple is made of marble, once smooth, shiny, and not a hint of it was weathered. But after a million years of uninhabitance, it has been rapidly decaying. Once upon a time, this great temple stood as tall as the hills, but now it is half buried in a meteor crater.

The woman watches her lover and children enter the temple but takes a moment to look up at the sky. The sky is clear, blue, and there is not a cloud to be found. As she gazes into the sky, she says to herself, "I hope we chose right. There are most likely dangers in the temple, but our children must learn to protect themselves. They must! Especially in these harsh times! Humanoids are on the brink, especially since the Deity, Twilight." She snaps out of her trance, and runs behind her family, into the old temple.

Greed Episode 2: Trials of the Children.

Coming Soon!