Three Moon Desert - Episode 1


Three Moon Desert: Episode 1
Finally arriving on the on the outskirts of the Three Moon Desert, I encounter a frightened villager. He informs me that his family was taken to the Three Moon Desert. I had come to this region of the planet because I heard tales of entire families ripped from their homes and never returned. I told him not to worry, and I will do everything in my power to bring his family back. "The Three Moon Desert huh?", I said to my self. Strange things happen there; intense gravitational forces manipulate the desert and surrounding area due to the moons being so close to the surface.
As I walked away, I reassured him that I would help his family. Looking ahead at the completely cloudy sky and lake-dotted landscape, that is undeniably beautiful. Lakes formed by methane that rained from the sky. Beyond this drenched water-land is the desert. Charging my energy, I took to the air. It is unwise to get to close to these lakes, and their depths allow creatures from the deep to feed on surface life.
While thinking of the plan of action, of how to deal with this issue when I get to the desert, I saw a lifeless body of a humanoid floating on the surface of the lake. Curious, I exploded towards it to investigate. I grabbed the carcass by the back of the neck, freeing it from the surface of the water. As my eyes scanned the corpse from head to toe, I could see that the head core and chest core had been removed. It was a male. The horrible expression on his mouth displays a horrendous end, forever frozen at that moment. As I examine the chest core, I notice a strange membrane attached to his foot that leads to the depths.
Suddenly with great force, the body is pulled towards the lake with me in tow. I find that my hand is now stuck to the neck when I try to free myself. Quickly I rip my hand away taking the head with it. I charge my energy into my hand disintegrating the head. I look towards the lake as the body plunges into it, causing a little tsunami.
A trap to catch flying humanoids. As the lake stabilizes, I see the eyes of the colossal beast under the surface looking at me with hungry eyes. Each eye is ten times my size. With lightning reflexes, a tendril breaches the surface and takes a quick swipe at me. I teleport quickly out of the way. Even I am unsure what this creature is, the depths is the final frontier for me to explore.
This has delayed me enough, and I must get to the desert. I send the beast fleeing back to the depths with a stream of black electric energy. With no more delay, I surge my body with black power and head to face this evil in the Three Moon Desert.
Three Moon Desert Episode 2: Duel with a Goddess coming soon.